Well, I can't nail a piece of cereal box to another piece of cereal box, so I needed something similar and readily available. Then I hit upon the idea of using Play-Doh. The only thing I was worried about was whether the pieces would warp from moisture or be discolored by the Play-Doh. So I did a test.
The Play-Doh held a rather large piece straight up and down while I glued the opposite edge.
I was right about the discoloration, but if the boat is being painted it will hardly matter.
I glued the side that had the Play-Doh, and as you can see on the right, the Elmer's dried nearly invisible. The bond is surprisingly strong. This worked so well I decided to use the Play-Doh in a couple of other areas, where the frames and seats didn't line up perfectly.
I also used a bit of Scotch tape to "clamp" the transom and rear seat. I cut the scotch tape by hand so that only a small edge was sticking to the boat.
The pieces I cut for the forward frame and seat are really off. That is just as well, since I am thinking about adding a mast step and mast. That whole assembly will need to be modified. Not sure what I'll do about adding a centerboard, but I did pick up an X-acto knife yesterday.
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